Added extra dynamic replay data to help replay parsers present in-game data (see below)
Rebalanced Invoker (see below)
Reworked Shadow Priest (see below)
Various changes to Phantom Lancer and Spirit Lance (see below)
Changes to Aphotic shield and Borrowed Time (see below)
Improved hero selection process in RD
Added hotkeys for recipe stores
Changed Elder Dragon Form MS Bonus from 10/35/60 to a constant 25
Changed Freezing Field mechanics a bit. The slow now comes from the area rather than the explosions. Changed the distribution method on Freezing Field as well
First Blood bounty is shared with the team if Sent/Scourge get the last hit
Untouchable now triggers off being targeted by attacks or spells
Rewrote Avalanche to fix various minor bugs
Decreased Inner Vitality cooldown from 30 to 25 seconds
Lowered Clockwerk's strength gain
Lowered early damage on Rocket Flare
Added Internationalized text support for GameScore Board, EndScore Board and Observer Board
Added extra data to end of replay (Player Gold, Assists, Neutral CS, Items)
Improved Bloodrage a little
Lowered base armor on Lycan's Wolves from 5 to 2
Minor reduction to Clockwerk's base armor
Rewrote Maledict for some optimizations
Toss no longer uses manacost/cooldown if you make an invalid cast
Toss now seeks its target
You can now only -kickafk allied afk players
Temporarily undid the movability of items in cooldown while some issues are being fixed
Phantom Lancer's images now create a dummy Spirit Lance effect when the primary casts it
Player turn indicator for RD is made clearer
Added extra orb effect notations to items and abilities (228748)
Blur visual effect is now applied only to enemies (190092)
Changed the name and icon for Flask of Sapphire Water (206885)
Illuminate wave now gives vision (226661)
Rewrote Devour. It now shows progress bar overhead and doesn't reveal you (217291)
Sentinel Ancients buildings are now in rooted model form (216494)
Added a new fun mode -mi(miniheroes) that creates the hereos at half size
Added a new command to customize water color for local player (-water red, -water blue, -water green or -water default)
Displayed gold animation for First Blood bounty
Winners are now displayed in Warcraft's score screen (234657)
Dummy lineup units in RD now show player name
Improved Acid Spray visual effect
Increased Spin Web visual transparency
Increased the size of the recently added $ symbol for observers and replays
New Sonic Wave visual effect
New Maledict visual effect
New Freezing Field visual effect
New Black Hole visual effect
New Spirit Lance visual effect
New Flask of Sapphire Water visual effect
New visual effect for units with Poison Nova buff
New Weave cast visual effect
Updated Hookshot tooltip
Fixed a bug with casting March of the Machines on a cliff (DonTomaso)
Fixed a bug with Feral Heart and swapping or repicking
Fixed a minor bug with Grow
Fixed a bug with Infest and Refresher-Necronomicon
Fixed a bug with Melting Strike on Invoker
Fixed a bug with Timewalk and Power Cogs
Fixed a minor bug with Expulsion
Fixed a rare glitch with Time Walk
Fixed Armlet typo
Fixed a rare bug with Borrowed Time where it sometimes doesn't use cooldown when triggered
Fixed Battle Hunger buff tooltip
Fixed Bottle activating Mana Leak
Fixed Enchant on neutral creeps with initially reduced mana
Fixed Feral Heart buff level tooltip
Fixed -fs text bug introduce last version
Fixed -kickafk warning text not showing up
Fixed some issues with Hookshotting someone near trees
Fixed some targetting bugs with Lucifer
Fixed Stifling Dagger not working properly when it hits a fogged unit